Academy of health sciences and other things

Academy of Health Science Educators at the School of Medicine. Mission The Academy of Health Science Educators (AHSE) is designed to advance state-of-the-art education at the University of Utah through teaching, research, mentorship and service. The Academy serves as a home for health science educators and a community that advocates for excellence in health science education. Academy Aims The specific aims of the academy are to:

  • Enhance and advocate for quality academic programs
  • Inspire teaching innovations
  • Foster educational scholarship
  • Provide superior faculty development educational services
  • Honor and promote exceptional teachers
TRIG (Translational Informatics Interest Group) I have also been leading the TRIG – A biomedical Informatics lead special interest group that meets weekly and provides RIPS, journal clubs and other events for students and faculty. This semester we are meeting at 10 am on Wednesdays in the BMI classroom. All are welcome.      ]]>