I feel guilty for neglecting my blog. A few updates
Michael Watkins and Andrew Miller in the group are off to Houston to present at the AMIA summit. Michael will present work on a Fhir app for lab data and Andrew is presenting his work with the VA on limb implants.
Congratulations to Michael Watkins for receiving the prestigious John D. Morgan award this year. Michael is a model student. He is a TA just about every semester, he sits on the curriculum committee, has produced two papers in the past year, lead a ClinGen working group and presented FHIR tutorials in Peru twice. He is collegial, friendly and open to new ideas and collaborations. Michael goes the extra mile in everything he does and I am thrilled that he was chosen.
My education duties are about to go into full swing. Host and Defense starts on Monday. I’m super excited to meet MS2023 en masse as we navigate microbiology, and immunology together. We put a lot of effort into making this a great learning experience. It is a hard course, but it should have fun parts too. This is my attempt at crafting an activity: