Nashville in November
Nicole has had her abstract entitled “Analysis of Genomic Variation Annotation” accepted to the 2013 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS).
GENO and SO workshop
Last week the SO group (Karen Eilbeck, Mike Bada and Bret Heale) met with the Monarch Initiative (Chris Mungall, Melissa Haendel and Matthew Brush) in Portland, (OSHU) to discuss the integration/boundaries of the two ontologies and developed a plan for future development. This continuing collaboration will enable better genotype to phenotype annotation. Early outcomes of […]
ClinGen Initiative
Finally the ClinGen initiative has been officially announced. This lab is performing a bioinformatics role for the two of the three announced grants: http://www.genome.gov/27555151
Going to Cold Spring Harbor
Nicole has been accepted to the Cold Spring Harbor Lab course “Programming for Biology” which happens in October. Congratulations for the achievement as this is a competitive course to be admitted to.
Clinical Genomic Variation multi grant kickoff
Last week I attended the collaborative kick-off for 3 grants a U41 (Unified Clinical Genomics Database) to support ClinVar annotation and two coordinating U01 CRVR (Clinically relevant variants resource) grants. The work proposed involved coordinating and supporting the variant annotation from clinical labs, and providing the infrastructure and resources to make the data useful to a […]
Phenotype collaborative exchange
We found out this weekend that the Sequence Ontology group will be supported by the Phenotype Research Coordination Network (NSF-DEB-0956049 ) for a collaborative exchange with the Monarch Initiative at OHSU, with Melissa Haendel. The purpose of this exchange is to coordinate sequence variation terminology to provide a better ontological framework for linking genotype to phenotype.
Comprehensive Exams
BMI students Keith and Nicole passed their comprehensive exams this week. Congratulations!
May 2013 updates
New students: Nicole Ruiz joined the lab as an NLM training grant student via the Department of Biomedical informatics. Her interest is genomic medicine. Keith Simmon joined the lab and is focussed on NGS approaches for infectious disease diagnostics. New research avenue: The lab has begun a collaboration with Catherine Staes (Utah) to work with […]